Mr. Sketch Scented Markers

15 02 2011

It seemed unreal. The ability to draw a lemon that smelled just like a lemon. A orange that smelled just like an orange.  Grapes that smelled just like grapes

Mr. Sketch Scented Markers

The previous post on scented toys reminded me of the AWESOME “Mr. Sketch Scented Markers” from elementary school.  These guys allowed me to instantly be able to create aromatic works of arts. Looking back it seems a little sketch that we were encouraged to sniff markers, regardless these brightly colored felt tip pens encouraged us to use all of our senses at the same time (wellllll, hopefully not taste – but if the smell enticed you enough to try it, they were nontoxic). Anyone remember these?!? Just the the thought is bringing back the scent of them..I can’t even recall what the light blue marker was but for some reason I remember  labeling that one as definitely smelling the best. I can still hear the sqeeeeeeeeak as you pulled the cap off. And ughhhh having to avoid drawings in black so I wouldn’t have to get a whiff of black licorice. These markers were for sure a “scentsation” (had to do it) for us kids growing up in the 90’s.  Have a favorite in the Mr. Sketch collection?



2 responses

19 02 2011

I’m so glad you wrote about these! Oh the memories… I had completely forgotten about them. Your description of the scents and even the sounds of the markers took me back to my elementary school days in a flash. I absolutely hated the black marker as well, it was very strongly scented. For some reason, that’s the only scent I even remember though!

And you know? I never even realized how crazy it was to make markers that we were supposed to smell. I mean, that’s like making play-doh you’re supposed to eat or something!

20 02 2011

Wow, these Mr. Sketch markers were definitely a staple of my childhood!
Favorite: yellow (lemon) and orange (i think this one’s pretty self-explanatory)
Least favorites: red (cherry), purple (grape), and black (licorice… ewww!!)
I can’t stand artificial cherry and grape, so you can imagine how much fun my mom had trying to give me cough medicine as a kid…

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